12%+ Yield Granny Flat Investment Walkthrough

Today I take you through a brand new 2 bedroom granny flat build which is getting the owner at 12%+ rental yield. This is a great opportunity to see what a modern granny flat looks like. Book a free strategy session - https://onproperty.com.au/session/ 0:00 - Overview of this 12%+ yield granny flat 1:17 - Walkable vs Driveable side access 1:40 - Granny flat walkthrough 2:29 - The details of the granny flat layout 4:03 - How this fits into the 2 properties to financial freedom strategy 6:00 - If you\'re interested in learning more about this strategy Recommended Video 4 Incomes from 1 Property - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQbn5M_v3to http://onproperty.com.au/596 - Visit the site for a full transcription and downloadable audio version of this video. ------------------------- PROPERTY TOOLS - CASH FLOW CALCULATOR http://propertytools.com.au FIND POSITIVE CASH FLOW PROPERTIES http://onproperty.com.au/find ------------------------- DISCLAIMER No Legal, Financial & Taxation Advice The Listener, Reader or Viewer acknowledges and agrees that: Any information provided by us is provided as general information and for general information purposes only; We have not taken the Listener, Reader or Viewers personal and financial circumstances into account when providing information; We must not and have not provided legal, financial or taxation advice to the Listener, Reader or Viewer; The information provided must be verified by the Listener, Reader or Viewer prior to the Listener, Reader or Viewer acting or relying on the information by an independent professional advisor including a legal, financial, taxation advisor and the Listener, Reader or Viewers accountant; The information may not be suitable or applicable to the Listener, Reader or Viewer\'s individual circumstances; We do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence as defined by section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and we are not authorised to provide financial services to the Listener, Reader or Viewer, and we have not provided financial services to the Listener, Reader or Viewer.